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The Law Offices of Ricky Malik, P.C.

Category: Immigration News

August 15, 2016

Perdon Para Mas Personas – La Residencia

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce es indocumentado (o no tiene tarjeta de residencia) y tiene (uno de los siguientes): Conyuge ciudadano americano; Padre ciudadano americano Conyuge residente permanente; o Padre residente permanente, Por favor contactenos, esta persona pudiera ser elegible para el reciente proceso u ampliacion del perdon provisional. Las oficinas “Law Offices of Ricky Malik, P.C.” han […]

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August 11, 2016

USCIS Expands Provisional Waiver Process

In 2013 the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) implemented a program to alleviate family separation and allow spouses and children of US Citizens (who were undocumented in the United States) to apply for a Provisional Unlawful Presence Waiver. The process allowed spouses and children of US Citizens to obtain lawful immigration status in the United States upon completion of a […]

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February 09, 2015

Felony Grand Larceny is not an Aggravated Felony

Grand Larceny not an Immigration Aggravated Felony For years Virginia felony grand larceny was deemed an aggravated felony for Immigration purposes, which means most likely a person with this conviction would be removed or would not be allowed to receive almost any immigration benefit. On December 23, 2014, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals which issues controlling decisions for Virginia, […]

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November 21, 2014

Obama Takes Executive Action on Immigration

On November 20, 2014, President Obama addressed the nation on steps he is taking to fix the broken Immigration system in light of Congress’ failure to act. The main provisions that have been announced so far and details about who qualifies and when are as follows. DAP (Deferred Action for Parents) – Available approximately June 15, 2015 An undocumented person who […]

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November 18, 2013

Legal Status for Military Family Members

Legal Immigration Status for Military Family Members If you are the spouse, parent, or child of an active duty or retired member of the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Selective Reserve of the Ready Reserve, then you can obtain legal status. This concept has been around quite a few years but was clarified recently to implement a uniform policy across […]

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November 16, 2013

Petition to Designate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to the Philippines

Friends, we started an online petition on a great website called In the aftermath of Super Typhoon Haiyan that devastated the Philippines and took the lives of thousands, we want President Obama and the Department of Homeland Security to designate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to the Philippines. The United States can grant TPS to a country that faces “extraordinary […]

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November 12, 2013

8 Ways To Get a Deferred Action (DACA) Travel Document

Welcome Dreamers. We are repeatedly asked by students and young persons who have been granted under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA or Dream Act as it is commonly referred to) program about traveling outside the United States. As I often answer and have previously blogged about, a DACA applicant must demonstrate that the travel is for one of […]

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November 11, 2013

Can a Same-Sex Couple Apply for a Greencard If The State They Live In Does Not Recognize Same-Sex Marriage?

Since the Supreme Court ruling in United States v. Windsor striking down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Section 3’s definition of marriage as between one man and one woman, many same-sex immigrant couples have wondered if they can benefit if they live in a state that does not recognize marriage equality. The simple answer is yes! To date and to the knowledge […]

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November 08, 2013

Getting Work Permits For People With Pending Asylum Cases Should Get Easier Soon

For those of us familiar with Asylum cases, there is much grumbling and moaning when you mention “The Clock.” It can ruin a person’s ability to support themselves and it is unclear when it gets stopped and started or does not run. The “Asylum Clock” (or KLOK as it is also known) is basically the concept that a foreign national […]

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January 14, 2013

Can I apply for a Provisional Waiver if I am in removal (deportation) proceedings?

We are fielding questions about whether someone in removal proceedings or who has been ordered removed (deported) can apply under the new Provisional Waiver Process. The Answer If you are currently in removal proceedings, they need to be “administratively closed” so that you can apply for the Provisional Waiver (I-601A). Once the waiver has been approved, you will need to “re-calendar” […]

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Focused on Clear Solutions Our firm is committed to simplifying your immigration process

Mr. Malik has always been a tireless advocate for the rights of immigrants in the United States, and has aggressively and relentlessly advocated on behalf of countless businesses and individuals.

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