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The Law Offices of Ricky Malik, P.C.


December 03, 2011

Administrative Appeals Office on 204(j) Portability (AC 21)

Although section 204(j) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. § 1154(j) (2000), provides that an employment-based immigrant visa petition shall remain valid with respect to a new job if the beneficiary’s application for adjustment of status has been filed and remained unadjudicated for 180 days, the petition must have been “valid” to begin with if it is to […]

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December 01, 2010

AAO on Burden of Proof

The Administrative Appeals Office published a postive case that addressed burden of proof. Hopefully, USCIS adjudicators will use this case as their guide when deciding cases.  In Matter of Chawathe, 25 I&N Dec. 369 (AAO 2010) it was held that: “In most administrative immigration proceedings, the applicant must prove by a preponderance of evidence that he or she is eligible for the […]

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November 02, 2010

Dept of Labor posts PERM labor certification FAQ #12

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) published Round 12 of their Frequently Asked Questions (posted below). It was short and appears intended to disallow attorneys or agents to be the point of contact for Employers. It’s odd since anytime a person or party is represented by an attorney in all areas of American jurisprudence, the attorney is the point of […]

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September 22, 2010

No Labor Certification for CEO who has 50% ownership in company

The Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA) agreed with the certifying officer that the labor certification application for the CEO of a closely held company should be denied, handing down another blow to the concept of the immigrant entrepreneur (Immipreneur). BALCA relied heavily on its previous decision in Modular Container Systems to affirm the CO’s finding that “Where the employer […]

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July 11, 2010

U.S. Department of Labor’s Administrative Review Board awards H-1B nonimmigrant $304,000 in back wages

The Department of Labor’s Administrative Review Board held an employer liable pursuant to the employer’s obligations under the Labor Condition Application (LCA) and the H-1B provisions under the Immigration & Nationality Act (INA). The employer failed to pay the H-1B beneficiary, even though the employer was obligated pursuant to the LCA. Conclusion: H-1B Employers must be careful to carefully fulfill […]

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Focused on Clear Solutions Our firm is committed to simplifying your immigration process

Mr. Malik has always been a tireless advocate for the rights of immigrants in the United States, and has aggressively and relentlessly advocated on behalf of countless businesses and individuals.

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